Posts with tag: "Inspiration"
You suck! -How I beat that little voice in my head
Accepting Your Story-Living Life with our Negative Labels

"You suck""I can't believe you missed that""You shouldn't even be playing""Just go home now".These are mantras that would fill my head while I would be in warm ups for basketball in college.  I would miss two 3 point shots in a row, and this nasty little voice would start chanting, "You suck, you missed it, you can't make anything".  Awesome right?  However, as a young child, I was feisty.  I had this fire in my eyes that propelled me to be better in school, sports, really anything.  I took being competitive to a whole new level(Just ask my sister how her tooth felt after I lost at a nintendo game.) I had this fierceness that propelled me to be awesome..and it ...

Yes..Please rain on my parade! Getting great photos anytime - Jackson Michigan Photographer
Accepting Your Story-Living Life with our Negative Labels

Question:  What happens if it's cloudy on my session day and the sun isn't out? Will my pictures turn out HORRIBLE?!?!?!  Answer: NO!!!  I know it's awful to think about.  Rain on your portrait, or wedding day. You think your photos are going to be horrible. It's gloomy and cloudy and just down right nasty.  You will hate them all! READERS REJOICE!!! It does not have to be sunny to capture amazing photos for you or your family.  I know the heartbreak you feel when it rains the day of your photos, but if you are willing, you can get some wonderful portraits that you can't even tell were raining/wet.  One of the benefits when ...

Top 5 Favorite Phonography Apps-Jackson Michigan Photographer
Accepting Your Story-Living Life with our Negative Labels

 What I love about photography these days, is that everyone gets a chance to experience it!  With every new iPhone or Android device, each has a better and better camera! What used to be point and shoot cameras, are now our cell phones.  We never miss a moment to capture, as we have our phones will us 24/7.   As much as I love cell phone pics because they are quick and easy. I often miss the creativity that my large DSLR Nikon camera has.  But I have found some amazing apps for my phone that helps edit and do some fun effects to my photos.  Here are my top 5 favorite photo apps and some samples:) SnapseedI use Snapseed for my main edits or retouches ...