One Step at a Time
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By Freeland Photography
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Today, I climbed a giant hill....twice.

The first time sucked, but I made it and felt pretty good. So I slowly jogged back down, did some pushups(yes girly ones) and decided I would do it again.


Yup...stupid decision.

About 20 feet up, my legs started burning and being VERY wobbly. I said to myself, "you got this, the first time was easy."

So I kept going. I get up about another 30 feet, and started sucking wind.

My body said. "You are pathetic and out of shape. You can't do this!"

My mind said. "You got this. Keep going"

So on I went.

Then came this really steep part.

And my body was giving out first, and then my mind started to go. "Oh my gosh. This was stupid, I just need to turn around. I can't go on".

I thought I honestly was gonna not make it back down.

So I paused for a moment, took some deep breathes and said "Screw this. I'm making it up this damn hill"- yes I did keep saying "omg, this sucks" the entire way up though.

But I kept going. And the most beautiful thing happened. The song "one step at a time" by Jordan Sparks came on. And instantly my journey became clear.

All we can do is take "one step at a time"

This goes for all the journey's in our lives. Physical, mental, emotional. All we can do is take that next step on our path. We may not be able to see the top or the next step, but we must keep pushing.

Our bodies will begin to feel like they can't go on, the tiny(and sucky) voice in our head will start to tell us we can't do it. And we will begin to feel defeated, like the world is out to get us.

But listen to your heart. It won't lie to you. It is your cheering section and it tells you,

"You got this. I'm with you, you are doing the right thing!"

Then take the next step.

Don't look back, just keep moving and take another step.

Eventually your path will get easier and then reach the top.

Enjoy the view and give yourself a pat on the back.

So whatever your struggle or uphill battle is, remember that you have a cheering section on your side.

I'm in it and so are you!

"You got this".

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