There I said it. I laugh like a donkey. Well actually I laugh like a donkey that may have gotten kicked in the throat. For years I was extremely self-conscious about this and was frequently made fun of for it. I had gotten mocked so bad for it, that I eventually changed how I would laugh. And this was just a laugh!!! Lets not even got started on my raspy voice that I have and how everyone thinks that I am sick.
Over the years, I have grown up, and grown to love my obnoxious laugh and raspy voice. It has taken me a long time to accept them, and then to love them, but I have done it. However, I still have not grown to love all parts of myself.
Each day we are bombarded with commercials, TV shows, and movies, that all portray what "beautiful" should be. It is a constant reminder of the flaws we have, and the insecurities we face. Even with ad's from companies like Dove, and Cover Girl, promoting that beauty is what we make it, it's hard to not have that little voice that says, "you are too fat, you are too short or too tall." and so on and so on. As a Professional Photographer, it is my job to make all of my clients feel good and beautiful about themselves, no matter what they look like. Far too often do I hear people say, "I hate getting my picture taken" or "I look just awful in photos". My heart aches when I hear this. I have a mission to help change peoples views of themselves. To show them that they are beautiful, and wonderful, just the way they are.
That mission must start must start with me. I far too often silently judge my own portraits. Feeling like I look too big, or too short, or too whatever. I will retouch my photos until I feel like they meet what I think I should look like(maybe 20 lbs lighter?). I am very adamant about not overly retouching clients so their portraits are a true representation of who they are. I as a professional know how to light them and pose them, so they look their very best. I want everyone else to accept themselves and grow to love themselves and their flaws. Its time I do that too
So to start this mission, I did a photo shoot with myself while I was in Gaylord, Michigan for a session. I decided instead to not do my normal retouching, I would post them completely untouched(well I did minor cropping and color correction though). But there is no liquify done to make myself thinner, there is no skin smoothing action to take out wrinkles, there is no teeth brightening action performed.
There is nothing...just me.

Now Some may think I am crazy, and that is ok. Maybe I am. But I hope this helps just one person accept themselves and laugh like a donkey...and not care one bit:)
Heres to you beautiful- Love, Carrie