I am so excited to introduce you to Katherine Stewart.
The day of her session, it had been a beautiful day, but some dark clouds were closing in. The sound of thunder loomed in the distance. This happens often in the summer in Michigan. Rain or Storms are projected, and it looks like portraits that day may be a loss. That wasn’t stopping Kat, her senior portraits were going to be EPIC and no amount of clouds or rain were going to stop her.

We were just arriving at her home and the field where her beloved horse, Scarlett, was.
Mom and Dad were brushing and getting her ready for photos with Kat.
The dark clouds threatened, but I could tell Kat was not going to be phased. She after all loves the water. Her spirit was singing, “Bring it on!!!”.
Scarlett was ready, Kat looked beautiful and so we began capturing her beautiful energetic personality in her Senior Portraits.

One of Kat’s amazing qualities is that she makes everyone around her feel calm and at ease. With the thunder clouds threatening our session, I remember thinking in my head…”oh great, we are going to start, and it’s going to start thundering and lighting”. But once I got Kat in front of my camera, I didn’t even think twice about the clouds. I attribute that to Kat and her unique way she projects her positive vibes into any situation around her.

We even got to shoot at an old barn just up the road from her home, which is owned by some of Kat’s family. I have always seen the barn(which if I remember correct, was an old dairy farm), and saying.."Gosh I want to shoot around that place:)" Now I finally got to.

We rounded out Kat’s session by getting INTO the water. Did I mention how much this girl loves the water? If Kat could choose any career, it would to move to Denver, Colorado and become a real life mermaid. It’s a real thing...check it out here.
Of course if her life was a movie..it would be The Little Mermaid. “Wish I could be...Part of that World….”

Kat is also a member of the Class of 2016 Dream Team. I am so blessed to have gotten to know her this past year, and enjoy her fun personality at our events. She was always jumping at the chance to do something crazy for me, she was my light source for some water smoke bomb pics. This was not a glamorous job, but she made it fun. While also making THIS GIRL..who is not a nature girl, feel calm and ok in the water at night!
Whatever path Kat chooses to take in her life, I know she will accomplish anything she puts her mind to. Her inner beauty of bubbly energy, matches her outer beauty..(did you see her gorgeous eyes and smile!?!?). She will be taking on the world by giving endless amounts of positive energy and love, while rocking out to some Rolling Stones along the way.

Kat is nearing graduation and this is what she said about her Senior Portrait Experience with Freeland Photography
“What I loved most about my Senior Portrait experience was getting to choose where I wanted my pictures to be done around my house. I really loved my water pictures because i love the water, so those pictures showed something that means a lot to me. I also loved my Portrait Experience because at any point in my life I can look back at my portraits and remember they were taken where I grew up. My session was so fun, and I loved everything about the experience! The pictures turned out amazing and I couldn't be happier with them.”
Thank you Kat for blessing me the last year by getting to know you, and I can’t wait to see all you accomplish in your life:)