I didn't forget about photos yesterday. Promise. I did actually take them. With the deadline quickly approaching to chop off my locks, I knew I had to bust out the awesome Hot rollers. Now my older sisters will instantly recognize them as I these are from when I was in High School(10 years ago) and we all used them. This is very embarassing to admit, but my mom also will remember them. This is because she had to put them in my hair when I was younger. And I use the word younger loosely, as I was a senior in HS when she would still do this. Hey, I was a busy girl, and my hair styles consisted of a pony tail, curling iron, or straight and half up! That was about it! So my mum had to help me out!
These photos were an ode to those times! I hosted our Michigan Triangle Professional Photographeres Association's Christmas party, so this was a easy way to curl my hair while still cleaning my house. As I edited the before photos, I thought to myself I totally should have had my robe on and a coffee mug in one hand, with a screaming child in the other. Eh, oh well. Maybe next time! Enjoy these very embarassing, but hilarious before and afters!:) Photo Session Tip: Even if you don't wear make up, have time for it, or know how to do it. For your photos, get your make up done(I can do this for you now!) Because even the smallest bit of make up turns your photos from great into WOW! And it just improves your self-esteem so much!
Only two more days of LONG HAIR! (tear) But today I did not take photos as I had to get a bunch of Christmas orders done, so tomorrow I will take a couple of do's..maybe even some throwbacks! So Stay tuned!